


The Finance Committee manages UWEB’s budget to make sure all club initiatives are feasible and properly reimbursed. We collaborate with Internal and External to fund events and take on fundraising initiatives so that we can continue to make socials, retreats, and other club-wide get-togethers possible. Committee members will have access to exclusive panels and professional development workshops, as well as a robust mentorship network that empowers all students whose identities are sidelined by a male-dominated field. We thank you for your interest and hope to hear from you!


The Marketing Committee of UWEB is responsible for publicizing UWEB’s events as well as managing our club’s online brand. We update UWEB’s Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok pages on a regular basis with event announcements as well as our own content (such as our spotlight series on women making an impact in the field of economics). We make our own designs and you will have the opportunity to run your own marketing campaign and create club merch, aimed at increasing our follower count and widening our reach. For marketing committee positions, we’re looking for people who are motivated, creative, and/or have experience in media creation and brand management. We don’t require experience with particular software, but having experience with Canva, Adobe Illustrator, or in-depth graphic design experience is very helpful.

Internal Affairs


Internal committee is charged with coming up with exciting and engaging activities for all members of UWEB to participate in. We help foster a close-knit community within the club through hosting activities and events. Some past examples of these have been holding study sessions, holiday parties, club retreats, and end-of-semester banquets. For this semester, UWEB’s Internal committee is planning exciting events, including the welcome and midterm socials, along with retreat and banquet later this semester.


External Affairs

External Committee spearheads outreach and fosters UWEB’s external relationships, spanning from UC Berkeley’s student organizations to professionals in the Economics field. Committee members will have the opportunity to lead events, workshops, and professional development club-wide initiatives that bring the Economics community together. Several tasks and responsibilities include but are not limited to: social media outreach, cold-emailing, public-speaking, team collaboration. External Committee spearheads outreach and fosters UWEB’s external relationships, spanning from UC Berkeley’s student organizations to professionals in the Economics field. Committee members will have the opportunity to lead events, workshops, and professional development club-wide initiatives that bring the Economics community together. Several tasks and responsibilities include but are not limited to: social media outreach, cold-emailing, public-speaking, team collaboration.

Administration & Publication


In Administration & Publication (A&P), committee members will learn how to hone their research, writing, and organizational skills. CMs will research, compose, and edit their own articles regarding any topic relating to economics, which will then be published on UWEB’s official website! These articles can be of any form you find most interesting: informative, OP-ed, creative, interview, anything! CMs for A&P will work on creating interesting, educational content for UWEB’s social media pages, as well as assist the Marketing committee in the creation of the newsletter. A&P also advises in club logistics and event planning, making it a very dynamic role.